Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu will star in season 5

For the international public, she is Sylvie Grateau, the elegant and intractable boss ofEmily in Paris. French actress Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu revealed to the British newspaper Mail on Sundaywhich she will appear in the fifth season of The Crownexpected for the month of November on Netflix.

Its role will a priori be secondary. “It was a tiny little thing but I had a lot of fun and was so happy to be a part of it,” she said, weaving laurels at the show. “Season four was awesome. Each episode is a small film in itself. This scene where Margaret Thatcher goes to Scotland… Wow! It’s terribly well written. »

Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu did not specify the identity of the character she would play. the Mail on Sunday speculates that she could play Monique Ritz, the widow of Charles Ritz who sold the Parisian of the same name to Mohamed Al Fayed in the late 1970s.

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