Philippe Poutou announces his candidacy

Traveling to Port-Leucate, in Aude, for the thirteenth edition of the summer school of the NPA, the New Anticapitalist Party, Philippe Poutou officially announced his candidacy for the presidential election of 2022, reported
France 3 Occitanie, this Monday.

This is Philippe Poutou’s third candidacy for a presidential election, after those of 2012 (1.15%) and 2017 (1.09%).

No merger with LFI

In front of nearly 700 activists, the opposition municipal councilor in Bordeaux let it be known that he would present as a candidate of the NPA. Discussions had been underway for several months for a possible merger with La France insoumise by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “This program is the ban on layoffs, the issue of sharing and reducing working time, retirement at age 60. It is also the question of expropriation and the socialization of entire sectors of the economy, such as health, research or banks, but also of energy and transport to fight against the climate crisis ”, declared the candidate by revealing the main axes of his program.

Asked about antivaxes, Philippe Poutou said he was “entirely in agreement with the anger, which is real, against Macron’s policy, which is a policy of surveillance, control, with enormous social damage and democratic ”. “On the other hand, we disagree with the whole anti-tax claims part. We are for a real public health service and a real vaccination campaign. Health must be a collective issue, not an individual, ”he added.

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