Patreon may allow Creators to provide fans with ‘Exclusive Memberships’ via Social Tokens.

Patreon is a crowdfunding platform, but it focuses on raising funds for art creators. by changing the original fundraising It’s a monthly membership system instead. The more you pay, the more chances you have to access each artist’s premium work.

after the meeting The Information’s Creator Economy Summit 2021 Yesterday (via TechCrunch) Jack Conte, CEO and Co-Founder of Patreon and Chief Product Officer Julian Gutman. Discussed Blockchain and Crypto Innovations and the price increase for NFT

which Patreon is considering allowing creators to use Crypto tokens through platforms like Rally and Roll. This allows Creator, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and others to create their own tokens and use them to build their communities.

by last month During the Patreon Connect livestream, Chief Policy Officer Laurent Crenshaw spoke and listened to creators who wanted to offer Social Tokens to their supporters. which is not currently approved under the platform rules.
Patreon has taken the matter of many creators interested in using Tokens as memberships to benefit their sponsors to revise the platform’s rules, by the way.Offering ‘Exclusive Memberships’ to their supporters via Coins or Tokens. that they hold shows that they are the main contributors of those Creators.

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