Pas-de-Calais on alert, humanitarian conference in Paris and day against harassment

Did you miss the news this morning? We have put together a summary to help you see things more clearly.

Pas-de-Calais keeps its feet in the water. Affected by historic floods which caused significant damage, the department is on red rain-flood and flood alert this Thursday. In its latest bulletin, Météo-France predicts a “new intense rainy episode following already exceptional accumulations for several days and occurring in a very worrying hydrological context”.

These rains, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms, are expected to persist until late Friday morning. In the meantime, schools will remain closed for two days in 74 municipalities around Saint-Omer, Boulogne-sur-Mer and Montreuil-sur-Mer. The establishments in the Aa and Liane basins had also already been closed on Tuesday.

Emmanuel Macron will play his diplomatic card this Thursday to help civilians in the Gaza Strip. On his initiative, France will host a “humanitarian conference” at the Élysée to try to release aid to the Palestinian territory, made almost impossible by Israel’s incessant bombings since the bloody Hamas attack on October 7. .

But the task promises to be difficult. The Israeli government will not in fact be represented and the Arab countries will not send a high-level representative.

Every year, the first Thursday following the All Saints’ Day school holidays is the day against school bullying. For the occasion, Élisabeth Borne will launch this November 9 a new national campaign intended to raise adults’ awareness of children’s voices. The Prime Minister had also unveiled at the end of September an interministerial plan to combat harassment, promising a “general mobilization” against this “massive phenomenon”, including a single call number, 3018.

To show the involvement of the executive, Élisabeth Borne will go this Thursday to the Claude Debussy college, in the fifteenth arrondissement of Paris, with Brigitte Macron and the Minister of National Education Gabriel Attal.

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