Parisian restaurant “Nhome” by chef Matan Zaken wins the Grand Public Prize

Nhome in the top ! And it’s the general public who says it. The Fork Awards ceremony, named after the website where restaurants are rated by their customers, awarded its prizes this Monday evening at the Lille Opera and it is one of the most surprising restaurants in the capital, the one whose the kitchens are run by chef Matan Zaken, who won the Grand Public Prize. A gourmet restaurant open near the Palais Royal gardens at the start of the 2022 school year.

80 sponsors for the ceremony

Before Monday’s ceremony, The Fork Awards left it to 80 renowned chefs to establish a preselection highlighting the rising guard of French gastronomy. Hélène Darroze, Alain Ducasse, Alexandre Gauthier, Gilles Goujon, Christian Le Squer, Alexandre Mazzia, Paul Pairet, Emmanuel Renaut… shared their favorite tables among the recent installations and 80 young chefs were thus nominated for this 4th edition of The Fork Award . Matan Zaken, the award-winning chef this Monday evening, was sponsored by Christian Le Squer for whom he worked.

The other prizes were awarded to Unexpected by Émilien Rouable in Villecresnes (Val-de-Marne) with sponsors Stéphane Pitré and Jean-François Girardin, Lil’Home by Lilian Douchet in Bordeaux with Paul Pairet as godfather, Ekume by Edgar Bosquez in Marseille with Thibault Sombardier, Alexandre Mazzia and Emmanuel Perrodin as godfathers, The Armada by Thibault Martel and Baptiste Rivière in Lyon with godfathers Christian Têtedoie and Christophe Marguin. The Hauts-de-France Special Prize went to At the Koning van Peene by Kevin Barata in Zuytpeene (North) with Eugène Hobraiche as godfather.

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