Paper for traffic light coalition: what the explorers have agreed on


Status: 15.10.2021 3:02 p.m.

An increase in the minimum wage, no speed limit, no tax increase, a faster exit from coal-fired power generation: an overview of the most important points from the exploratory paper.

It is only an exploratory paper – and not yet a coalition agreement. Nevertheless, it is already clear in which direction the negotiations of the possible traffic light coalition partners could go. These are the most important cornerstones.

Finance and taxes

The handwriting of the FDP can be read especially in the tax section. There should be no tax increases. “We will not introduce any new taxes on assets and will not increase taxes such as income, company or value-added tax,” it says. The debt brake is to be retained. The necessary future investments are to be guaranteed within the framework of the debt brake.


The legal one minimum wage should be increased to twelve euros per hour in the first year. In the future, the mini-job limit will be based on a weekly working time of ten hours at minimum wage conditions and will be increased to 520 euros.

Employees should, under certain conditions, their Flexible working hoursr can design. In addition, “a limited opportunity” to deviate from the regulations on maximum daily working hours should be created – if collective agreements or works agreements provide for this.

The Skilled Workers Immigration Act should become more practicable. “We also want to introduce a points system as a second pillar to attract qualified specialists,” it says.

Climate protection

The possible coalitionists want a faster exit from the Coal-fired power generation. The schedule says: “Ideally, this will be achieved by 2030.” There should be an immediate climate protection program in 2022. The Climate Protection Act is to be further developed in 2022. “We see it as our central joint task to bring Germany on the 1.5 degree path, as the Paris climate treaty and the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court dictate,” says the paper.

Two percent of the area should be designated for onshore wind power. The wind power at sea is to be increased considerably. The expansion of renewable energies is to be accelerated “drastically”. In addition, should “all suitable roof areas” be used for solar energy in the future. This should be mandatory for new commercial buildings, and the rule for private new buildings.

The financing of the EEG surcharge through the electricity price is to be ended as soon as possible during the legislative period.

A general one Speed ​​limit shouldn’t exist. When it comes to combustion engines, the Ampel partners refer to the EU. “According to the proposals of the EU Commission, this would mean in the transport sector that only CO2-neutral vehicles will be allowed in Europe in 2035 – this will have an effect earlier in Germany.” Outside the system of fleet limit values, the partners want to ensure that it is verifiable that vehicles that can only be refueled with e-fuels can be re-registered.


The legal and the private health and long-term care insurance is to be obtained stay. The private pension system is to be reformed. The offer of a public fund with the option to opt out is to be examined. “In addition, we will examine the legal recognition of private investment products with higher returns than Riester.” There is an inventory protection for current Riester contracts. The lump sum for savers is to be increased to 1,000 euros.

Hartz IV is supposed to be paid for by a citizen’s money be replaced. “We are sticking to our duty to cooperate and are examining how we can reduce bureaucracy here,” it says.

The minimum pension level of 48 percent is to be secured. There should be no cuts in pensions, nor an increase in the statutory retirement age. In future there should be “partial funding” of the pension – there should be ten billion euros from budget funds.


Children’s rights should be anchored in the Basic Law. Previous family support benefits are to be bundled in a separate basic child protection model and paid out automatically.


The share of general government spending on research and development is to be increased to 3.5 percent of GDP.


The possible coalition wants to fix the construction of 400,000 new apartments per year, 100,000 of which are to be publicly funded. Climate protection in new buildings is to be strengthened.


The voting age for elections to the German Bundestag and European Parliament is to be reduced to 16 years. The electoral law is to be revised “in order to prevent the German Bundestag from growing in the long term”.


The administration should become “more agile and digital”. Administrative, planning and approval procedures are to be modernized. “Our aim is to cut the duration of the proceedings at least in half,” says the paper.

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