Out of the forests, witches now haunt TikTok

Witches are not like unicorns, they existed. Besides, they still exist. But if the principles to which they adhere have not really changed over the centuries, the image they project today is, on the other hand, decidedly more modern. In 2023, the witch no longer flies on a broomstick, she surfs the networks, undoubtedly reassured by the idea of ​​not ending up cooked to perfection on a stake. With its 34,000 followers on TikTok, Sister Eso is one of these priestesses of esotericism 2.0 that 20 minutes presents to you on the occasion of Halloween.

In the 21st century, there is no longer any need to wander through forests at night to come across a witch; simply follow the hashtag #witchtok on TikTok and scroll through the multiple accounts relating to esotericism and witchcraft. That of Sister Eso is not the least followed. At 23, this Lille resident fell into the cauldron a long time ago. “It’s a journey that I’ve had since high school, when I discovered the world of cards, personal development,” she explains to 20 minutes. For pure witchcraft, it will be a few years later, when the young woman entered college. “I wanted to find a path that would allow me to reconcile my two passions, illustration and esotericism,” she continues.

“Witchcraft, I apply it to myself”

“Witch”, the word is not pejorative for Sister Eso. “With the rise of feminism, it’s something that we are reclaiming and calling ourselves a witch is now more of a strength than an insult,” says the young woman. A name that fits perfectly with the primary goal of witches: to change fate.

“It’s the idea of ​​controlling fate, using rituals that vary depending on beliefs, like hoodoo in Africa for example,” she explains. In her practice of witchcraft, the Lille woman is more into mirrors, stars, anointing, oils… And she will never cast a spell to rot another person. “I apply witchcraft to myself and sometimes to my loved ones if they ask me,” she assures.

Listening to it, it works. A spell allowed him to obtain a beautiful apartment, coveted by many people whose files were much stronger than his. “A witch friend also cast a spell to make her ex come back. It worked so well that he fell madly in love again to the point of becoming toxic for her,” jokes Sister Eso.

To loved ones in bad times, the witch cast purification spells accompanied by lucky talismans with incredible results according to her. “I understand that one can doubt and I am not here to do indoctrination or to say what to believe or not,” insists Sister Eso, recalling that she was not selling her services anyway. .

So why social networks? Firstly to share with other enthusiasts of esotericism or witchcraft, “sabbaths”, opinions on books. She also talks about full moon rituals, evocation of spirits in a mirror, celebration of the divinity Asteria, explanation of the myth of the doppelganger…

The young woman answers questions from interested fans and ignores the trolls, of which there are few according to her. Many curious people, on the other hand, and newcomers: “it’s an area that has become fashionable with confinements, the need to think about oneself, to take control of one’s life,” she admits. In three years on TikTok, Sister Eso has built a beautiful community of 30,000 followers. Not enough to live on, no. For that, she still relies on her permanent job in real life and on the sales of theOracle of Esoan introductory work on drawing divinatory cards that the Lille resident published this summer.

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