Ottobrunn – Praying for Peace – District of Munich

Words are not needed in these dark times. It’s been five weeks since Russia unleashed a conflagration in the middle of Europe. Bombs are falling on Ukraine every day, and the invaders are also proceeding with extreme brutality against the civilian population in their illegitimate war of aggression. The images are present to each individual and are engraved in the collective memory. So why should one lose big words? And so it is a rather quiet commemoration on Wednesday evening in Ottobrunn’s oldest church, St. Otto. About 50 people have gathered for the regular prayer for peace, which has become alarmingly topical as a result of the events in Ukraine. Small candles on the pews and the altar shine as lights of hope, while the participants pray for the victims and those seeking protection, hundreds of whom also seek and find refuge in the district of Munich.

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