One-euro train attracts 166,000 users in one weekend, record broken

Launched several months ago, the one-euro train broke its user record on the occasion of the second three-day weekend. In total, more than 166,000 people traveled on the liO train during May 6, 7 and 8, including 136,000 purchasers of one-euro tickets (the other travelers being subscribers). Attendance was doubled compared to the same weekend in 2022.

“Month after month, the ever-increasing attendance during one-euro weekends proves that when prices are affordable, the desire for the train is there,” says Carole Delga, president of the Occitanie region. The community finances this operation, initially set up on the first weekend of each month, but extended exceptionally for this second three-day weekend.

30% increase in TER use in 2022

The community tries more generally to promote travel by TER by supporting lines that are less profitable for the SNCF. ” These measures [des trains à un euro] plays a real loss leader role and contributes to changing mobility habits.

Thanks to this policy of low prices, new users are choosing to travel more regularly by train, continues the elected official. In 2022, the increase in attendance reached 30%, the strongest increase recorded in the last twenty years. The next one-euro weekend will take place in a more traditional way on June 3 and 4. Tickets will go on sale May 24.

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