On the death of film director Percy Adlon – Culture

The film director Percy Adlon became famous through the film “Out of Rosenheim” – his great art was to put people who seem like total losers in the right light.

He actually belongs, out of wedlock, to the famous Berlin hotel family Adlon, but he was born (as Paul Rudolf Parsifal Adlon) in Munich on June 1, 1935, and grew up on Lake Starnberg. He wanted to do theater and ended up – he simply has a gentle, cultivated voice – as a speaker at Bayerischer Rundfunk, and there he was soon entrusted with films with his own script, directed by himself. He began to talk about artists and poets, Robert Walser and Annette Kolb. Finally, he also made narrative films that seductively shimmer between his Bavarian homeland and the wider world. Since the late 1980s he has lived and worked in Pacific Palisades, California, where many German intellectuals and filmmakers – from Thomas Mann to Fritz Lang – once found their exile during the Nazi era. For Adlon it must not have felt very different there than at Lake Starnberg.

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