Olivier Véran announces 30,000 contaminations in 24 hours

France will not escape the rebound of the coronavirus epidemic which has hit Europe for several weeks. Olivier Véran said on Tuesday that the government would announce “30,000 cases of Covid-19 over the last 24 hours”. “It is a very significant increase in contamination which attests, if it were necessary, that we are unfortunately in a fifth epidemic wave”, affirmed the Minister of Health during a session of Question to the government to the Assembly relayed by BFMTV.

For the minister, “it is therefore urgent to get vaccinated and receive a booster”. The latter insisted on ensuring that “logistics will follow”, specifying that more than a thousand vaccination centers were still open on the national territory. While “six million French people” eligible for vaccination have not yet been vaccinated, Olivier Véran slipped that “the recall campaign could be extended soon”.

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