Olivier Faure mocks the double discourse of “Doctor Manu and Mister Macron”

Olivier Faure unleashes his literary pike against Emmanuel Macron. Interviewed Friday on Franceinfo, the first secretary of the socialist party criticized the changing speech of the President of the Republic. While the question arises as to whether the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti will have to resign if he is indicted on Friday, Olivier Faure recalled that Emmanuel Macron “when he was a candidate for the presidential election”, had argued that when a minister was indicted, he had to resign.

“What I observe on this subject [Eric Dupond-Moretti], as on pensions, as on the health pass, it is that there is Doctor Manu and Mister Macron ”, tackled the secretary of the Socialist Party. A reference to the split personality, good and bad, of the protagonist of Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

A “variable speech according to the circumstances”

“If we want the French to take an interest in political life again, if we want mistrust not to prevail, we must keep our commitments,” he says, deploring, on the part Emmanuel Macron, a “variable speech according to the circumstances and the interest of the Head of State”.

On pensions, Olivier Faure recalled that at the time of the presidential campaign, Macron said “62 years old, we stay there, we will not touch it”. After the Great Debate, “he repeated the same thing, that it would even be hypocritical to want to shift the legal retirement age”, insists the First Secretary. “And today, we learn that ultimately, yes, he will make this pension reform, and that it will be necessary to lower the legal retirement age” to 64 years, he protests.

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