Olaf Scholz and the Warburg Scandal – Politics


Daniel Brössler and Georg Ismar, Berlin

The scene lasted less than six minutes and, strictly speaking, was not newsworthy. She is interesting nonetheless. At least for everyone who wants to get an idea of ​​what to expect in a committee of inquiry in the Bundestag forced by the CDU/CSU into the Cum-Ex scandal, the Hamburg Warburg Bank and the role of Olaf Scholz. In the government survey on January 25, Scholz had already commented on tank deliveries to Ukraine, housing construction and planning acceleration, when Union parliamentary group leader Mathias Middelberg raised a question “concerning the chancellor’s credibility.” What memories do Scholz have of four conversations with Warburg banker Christian Olearis? Scholz first thanked him for the question, as is his custom. Then not to answer them.

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