Oktoberfest Munich: Dispute over tent allocation ends up in court – Munich

Gerda Reichert lost the contract for her Wiesn tent and went to court: The award criteria were negotiated there – and what should count more: whether you own the tent you set up yourself or whether you offer a good program in it.

She doesn’t know whether Gerda Reichert will ever go to the Oide Wiesn with her “Beauty Queen” tent again: “In any case, I’ll give everything for it.” For now, however, she has withdrawn her lawsuit against the state capital. Subject of the dispute: award of the Volkssänger tent at the Oidn Wiesn 2022. The main issue was the city’s evaluation criteria. But it was too obvious to foresee that there was nothing legally to be gained in the case. On the other hand, Gerda Reichert now has a little more knowledge about the rating system. That’s the only way she can improve. “It’s really a shame that you only get transparency when you complain,” says Reichert.

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