Oberhaching: novice driver crashes into a tree – district of Munich

A 19-year-old novice driver from Oberhaching drove his car off the road between Oberbiberg and Deisenhofen early Sunday morning, crashed into a tree and then walked home with minor injuries. According to the police, a passer-by noticed the battered car next to State Road 2368 around 7:15 a.m. He did not find any vehicle occupants there. The Unterhaching police officers who were informed determined from the traces that the initially unknown car driver had been traveling from the direction of Oberbiberg and left the roadway in the area of ​​a right-hand bend. He first ran over a traffic sign and then collided head-on with a tree. The police found the owner of the vehicle at home, who admitted to having caused the traffic accident in the early hours of the morning. When officers noticed the smell of alcohol, the driver stated that he had been drinking after the accident. Whether this is true should now be clarified by taking a blood sample. The car was a total loss of 15,000 euros. According to the police, the damage to the traffic sign and tree amounts to around 1000 euros.

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