Experts want to exempt investments from the debt brake – economy

Anyone who takes on debt and pays interest not only lacks the money for other nice things, they also impose a lot of burdens on future generations – Christian Lindner never tires of pointing out this connection these days. What the Federal Minister of Finance says less loudly in his pleas for the debt brake is: who no takes out loans and no Anyone who has to pay interest will almost certainly not have the money to make urgently needed investments in the future – in railways and green factories, in climate-neutral houses and a CO₂-free energy supply. But children and grandchildren are no better served by a dilapidated infrastructure than by an unsustainably high interest burden, says Marcus Wortmann, an economist at the Bertelsmann Foundation in Gütersloh. “A devil-may-care austerity program will not benefit future generations at all.”

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