Nutrition: This is what happens to your body when you eat butter every day

Before the slice of bread is topped with cheese or smeared with jam, most people use butter as a base Bread.

Butter is also often used for cooking, baking and frying. But how healthy is butter anyway?


It’s in butter

Butter consists primarily of cow’s milk fat, which is obtained by beating or stirring cream is won. The main ingredient in butter is water. The rest is made up of milk solids, including proteins and lactose.

To make one kilogram of butter you need around 20 to 25 liters of cow’s milk. The specific aroma and golden hue arise from the content of carotenoids contained in the grasses that the cows eat.

Butter also contains cholesterolprimarily in the form of LDL cholesterol, also known as “bad” cholesterol.

Consuming saturated fat found in butter can increase blood cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol is found not only in butter, but also in numerous other animal foods. Normally, the body regulates its own cholesterol levels.

Still, excessive consumption of saturated and trans fats in the diet can contribute to rising blood cholesterol levels, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

This happens when you consume too much butter

1. Increased cholesterol levels

Excessive consumption of butter can lead to increased blood cholesterol levels. This increase in LDL cholesterol, in turn, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis (deposit of fat in the arteries).

2. Increased blood pressure

High butter consumption can also lead to increased blood pressure because butter contains saturated fats that can narrow arteries.

This narrowing makes it difficult for blood to flow and can increase blood pressure. Long-term high intake of saturated fats, such as that found in excessive butter consumption, is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

3. Weight gain

Extreme butter consumption also leads to weight gain. The high calorie content in butter can easily lead to excess calories if not combined with an overall balanced diet and appropriate physical activity.

In the long term, excessive butter consumption can increase the risk of obesity and related health problems.

4. Inflammation

Excessive butter consumption also promotes inflammation in the body, as butter contains saturated fats and arachidonic acid, which can be linked to inflammatory processes.

These inflammatory reactions could increase the risk of chronic diseases in the long term. Eating a balanced diet with an appropriate ratio of healthy fats can help reduce inflammation.

How much butter is healthy?

The same applies here: the quantity makes the poison.

As a rule, moderate consumption of butter is not harmful and can be part of a balanced diet. However, it comes down to the overall diet and how it fits with your individual health goals.

It is recommended to keep consumption of saturated fats, which includes butter, in moderation to minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease. If you have any concerns or specific health concerns, it would be wise to discuss this with a nutritionist or doctor.

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