Not easy for people under 50 to find a vaccination niche

For those under 50 without comorbidity, finding a vaccination window can be complicated. – Eric TSCHAEN-POOL / SIPA

  • Anyone over 18 can now be vaccinated as long as they make an appointment the same day or the next day.
  • We asked our internet users if they had been able to get an appointment easily.
  • While it takes perseverance to have a niche available, some have not hesitated to move away from their homes considerably.
  • Others make no secret of having lied about their age or physical condition.

“No appointment is available at the moment, but many slots will be put online in the days to come. This sentence has become very familiar to Marie, Steffanie, Laurie, Frédérique, Vincent. And so many others. These readers of 20 minutes are all under 50 and have decided to benefit from the authorization for non-priority people to be vaccinated against Covid-19 with unused doses. But reserving a slot can be “even harder than getting a seat for a Celine Dion concert,” Vincent jokes.

Places are only open for the same day or the next day. They are therefore rare, and expensive. “When a niche is indicated as available on Vitemadose and ChronoDose, the niche is ultimately never available,” Morgane laments. And on the Doctolib application, it is impossible to make an appointment, except more than 40 km from my home. You must therefore be patient and not hesitate to refresh the page often, very often. “After persevering for a few hours, I found a time slot for the next day, but at one and fifteen minutes from home,” explains Patrick.

Move away

And indeed, when you have the time and the means, moving away from home seems to be a good solution. This is also the solution found by Sylvain. “I had no choice but to travel about 100 km. And I will have to receive my second dose at the same place at the end of June. But I’m still happy to have finally been able to do it. “

For many Internet users who answered our call, getting vaccinated as quickly as possible is a necessity. There is of course the health pass which will be set up this summer for traveling or participating in large gatherings, and which will require a vaccination certificate or a PCR test. And then there is Sylvain, a Civil Protection volunteer who wants to “avoid transmitting the virus”. Yohan who finally wants to be able to visit his parents. Or Manue, a single mother, who does not want to take the risk of falling ill and no longer being able to take care of her children.


The latter also explains having defrauded to get vaccinated: “I did like everyone else, I lied when I made my appointment on Doctolib, otherwise I would never have found a niche. And this is also the intention of Frédérique. “After several days clinging to the various sites with scheduled alerts, I’m going to try my luck in a niche for those over 50. “

Prime Minister Jean Castex called on the French to “hold on”, promising the arrival of “many doses in June”. Amélie hopes to be able to be vaccinated this summer. “There may be places in August. “

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