Not discreet, the clothes thief had put 13 pairs of pants on top of each other

He obviously couldn’t have gone far. Late Tuesday afternoon near Nantes, a thief was quickly burned when he intended to leave the Decathlon Atlantis store in Saint-Herblain without paying. It must be said that the 21-year-old had put on no less than 13 pairs of pants on top of each other, reports West France : not practical for running fast, while he was also carrying five t-shirts, for a total value of more than 600 euros of merchandise.

It was a security guard who quickly stopped him before locking him in an empty room, while waiting for the police. The young man, virulently, then tried to sting him with a dart, before attacking the door of the premises. On Friday, he was sentenced to five months in prison and banned from appearing in the store for a year.

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