Northern Lights: Extreme solar storm lights up the sky | – News

As of: May 12, 2024 9:03 a.m

A solar storm caused northern lights to appear over Lower Saxony at the weekend. According to astronomers, it is the first extreme solar storm in more than 20 years.

The natural phenomenon could be seen with the naked eye in many places in Germany, especially on Saturday night. The further north you are, the greater the chance of seeing them, said Carolin Liefke from the Haus der Astronomie in Heidelberg on Friday. Numerous users shared pictures of the spectacular natural spectacle in online networks.

The last extreme solar storm was in 2003

The cause of the northern lights is an extreme solar storm of level 5. According to experts from the US weather agency NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), this highest category was last reached in October 2003. The source region of the solar storms – a large sunspot cluster – is about 16 times the diameter of the Earth, according to NOAA experts.


1 min

The natural spectacle was particularly easy to observe near Harpstedt (Oldenburg district). (03/07/2024) 1 min

Solar storm can affect technologies

The solar storm could affect GPS, power grids, spacecraft, satellite navigation and other technologies, NOAA said. Authorities notified satellite and power grid operators as well as airlines to take precautions against possible disruptions.

Further information

A northern light over Schleswig-Holstein.  © Armin Köster Photo: Armin Köster

If you couldn’t see the lights in the sky last night, you might have better luck next night. more

Northern lights in Görnitz © NDR, Torsten Wernicke Photo: Torsten Wernicke from Görnitz

The weather phenomenon is still very likely to be seen in the coming days. more

Northern lights in Stein (Plon district).  © vhs Observatory Neumünster Photo: Antje Stoldt

The northern lights only become really beautiful with longer exposure times. Andreas Lüdtke draws a parallel with people. (03/19/2024) more

Northern lights in the sky over the Isterberg near Schüttorf in Lower Saxony.  © NDR Photo: Doris Prenger selected the most beautiful recordings from all the submissions. Image gallery

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