“No question of scaring”, Évelyne Dhéliat deciphers the colors of weather maps

It’s 8:55 p.m., you’re on your couch and you’re looking at the weather forecast, and maybe you’re wondering, but why is Brest in blue, when the forecast temperature is 28°, while Albi is in orange? , with an announced 38°? 20 minutes went to ask Evelyne Dhéliat, after we saw many indignant comments on social networks during the heatwave, accusing the weather forecasts of “scaring” the French, with map backgrounds turning orange dark or even red.

It’s not at all a question of scaring viewers, replies Evelyne Dhéliat in the video at the top of this article. For the sake of visibility, TF1 uses a gradient of nine colors, explains the weather presenter. A choice that makes the map easier to read.

But how do the teams from the first channel choose to use blue or orange to cover the north or east of France? Based on average temperatures from Météo-France, Evelyne Dhéliat reminds us, who reveals the recipes for the weather map in the video above.

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