No need for extra dose of vaccine for healthy adults, says WHO

WHO publishes new recommendations for vaccination against Covid-19. The World Health Organization estimates that healthy adults do not need an additional dose, beyond the primary vaccination and a first booster. For this group of people under 60 said to be at medium risk – to which are also added children and adolescents with comorbidities from 6 months to 17 years – there is no risk in receiving additional injections but “returns to terms of health are low,” WHO vaccine experts said.

The new recommendations from the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) reflect the impact of Omicron and the high level of immunity now achieved in the global population due to infections and through vaccination, said the WHO. SAGE has proposed three new priority categories for Covid vaccination based on the risk of developing a severe form of the disease or death: high, medium and low.

People at risk invited to do a booster dose

In contrast, older people, other adults with comorbidities, all immunocompromised people, pregnant women and frontline healthcare workers are encouraged to receive more vaccinations at a booster dose after the initial regimen of vaccination and a first booster. SAGE recommends an interval of 6 to 12 months between boosters depending on morbidity.

The evidence “lacks consistency” regarding the impact of Covid vaccines on long Covid, which sees the initial illness develop into often very disabling symptoms such as extreme fatigue or an inability to concentrate.

Search for new vaccines

Nearly 13.3 billion doses have been administered worldwide. WHO is looking for new Covid-19 vaccines that cover a wide range of variants, have a longer lasting effect and show better performance against infection and transmission. The organization is also investigating new methods of administering nasal, oral or dermal serums.

Discussing two nasally administered vaccines, including one used in China, SAGE Executive Secretary Joachim Hombach stressed: “We know they are immunogenic… but what we really need is data that actually studies the impact on transmission – because that could indeed make a big difference. »

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