No investigation into Prince Andrew, London police say

A few days ago, the British group Republic, fighting against all forms of monarchy, urged the London police to investigate Prince Andrew. Indeed, his name was cited in an American justice document, listing all the people who – directly or indirectly – had a link with the sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein.

This Friday, however, the London police indicated that they had not opened a formal investigation. “We are aware of the release of court documents regarding Jeffrey Epstein. If new and relevant information comes to our attention, we will assess it,” but at this stage “no investigation has been launched,” Scotland Yard said in a statement sent to AFP.

Anti-monarchy group accuses him of sexual abuse

The publication by a New York judge of a list of names of contacts, acquaintances, relatives, victims or alleged accomplices of Jeffrey Epstein, who committed suicide in prison in 2019, postponed the charges against the 63-year-old prince. one of the British newspapers and in particular the tabloids, which call on the royal family to cut all ties with him.

Withdrawn from public life after the fiasco of his BBC interview, in which he expressed no empathy for Epstein’s victims, Prince Andrew is now deprived of any official role and can no longer use his title of Royal Highness. “It is that while in London, a person was forced to have sex with Andrew when she was a minor,” Republic detailed.

“If there are allegations, credible allegations, then of course they should be examined,” also supported Friday the leader of the Labor opposition, Keir Starmer, interviewed on LBC radio.

Despite a similar accusation in 2001, the prince was never worried

The king’s brother reached an amicable agreement in February 2022 with Virginia Giuffre, 40, who accused him of having sexually assaulted her in 2001 when she was 17 and that she was, according to her, under the influence of the American financier. He always disputed the facts.

Withdrawn from public life after the fiasco of his BBC interview, in which he expressed no empathy for Epstein’s victims, Prince Andrew is now deprived of any official role and can no longer use his title of Royal Highness. However, he appears with the royal family for events considered private, for example recently the Christmas mass.

In October 2021, London police announced that they would take no action after reviewing the accusations against the prince, raised in the context of the American civil procedure.

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