Nine months in prison for an underground butcher

He had transformed the garage of his house into a butcher’s shop. If his pâtés, roasts and andouilles were successful, the conditions of manufacture nevertheless gave nausea. Tried at the end of September by the Lorient court, a 63-year-old man who ran an illegal butcher’s shop in the town of Lanvaudan (Morbihan) was sentenced on Monday to eighteen months in prison, including nine months closed, reports The Telegram.

His illegal activity had been brought to light in early 2020 following a banal control of the sexagenarian for a traffic offense. Called upon by the nauseating smell emanating from the back of the van, the gendarmes had discovered rotten meat inside as well as a large sum of cash. After this arrest, the investigations continued under the authority of the Lorient prosecutor’s office. They had made it possible to locate the hideout of the clandestine butcher who worked in deplorable hygienic conditions.

Grime covered walls and rusty utensils

On disembarking there, the gendarmes had discovered walls covered with grime, a gas stove in a catastrophic state and rusty kitchen utensils. Nearly 780 kg of meat distributed in freezers and a cold room had also been seized. Between 2016 and 2019, his laboratory, which was of course not declared or up to standards, would have brought him around 267,000 euros, specifies the daily.

In addition to the prison sentence, the sixty-year-old will also have to settle his debts to the public treasury and the tax authorities and pay eight fines of 500 euros. He will never again be able to practice the profession of butcher.

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