News today: Two suspects arrested after killing cyclists

Today’s news in star-Ticker.

Today’s news in star-Ticker:

8.30 a.m.: Two suspects arrested for killing cyclists in Bavaria

After the violent death of a cyclist in Bavaria, investigators arrested two suspects. The two men, aged 18 and 21, are said to have killed the 26-year-old near Bad Neustadt together, the police and public prosecutor announced. The two Germans partly confessed. The motif is still in the dark. They should come before an investigating judge on Tuesday.

Walkers discovered the body of the 26-year-old next to a bike path early Monday morning. According to the investigators, the autopsy revealed that the man was killed by extreme violence. An investigative commission of around 25 members of the criminal police started work on Monday. Investigations in the social environment of the killed brought them on the trail of the two suspects.

8.21 a.m.: Corona incidence in Saxony increases to 969.9

In Saxony, the seven-day incidence has increased slightly – but the Free State remains by far the nationwide hotspot. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports a value of 969.9, on Monday the number of reported new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week was 960.7. Nationwide, the seven-day incidence on Tuesday was 399.8. Within one day, the health authorities in Saxony counted 5,942 new corona infections. 22 deaths were added.

Within Saxony, the highest seven-day incidence was reported from the district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains at 1605.9. It is followed by the district of Bautzen with a seven-day incidence of 1,419.1. As on the previous day, on Tuesday a total of seven districts had an incidence value of 1000. The RKI reported the lowest incidence for the state capital Dresden (446.4).

8:04 a.m.: Hundreds at a vigil for victims of the fatal incident in the US parade

Hundreds of people thought of the five victims of the fatal incident in a Christmas parade at a vigil in the US small town of Waukesha. According to local media reports, they gathered with candles on Monday evening (local time) in downtown Wisconsin, where an SUV crashed into a crowd on Sunday. At least five people died and at least 48 others were injured.

The police arrested a suspect shortly after the incident and seized the alleged vehicle. The background to the fact is still unclear. The investigators rule out an act of terrorism.

7.42 a.m.: Special task forces search objects in Cologne and Pulheim

Special police units have been searching 16 objects belonging to a rocker group in Cologne and Pulheim since the early morning. The background is a preliminary investigation into attempted murder, which was initiated in October after a former “Hells Angels” member (31) was shot in Cologne’s old town, the public prosecutor and the Cologne police said. The investigation is currently directed against 15 men between the ages of 23 and 51, all of whom are members of the local group “Hells Angels MC Honorfield”. First the “Bild” newspaper reported. In addition to numerous special units, riot police and explosive detection dogs are in action.

7.29 a.m.: South Korean ex-ruler Chun died

The South Korean former ruler Chun Doo Hwan is dead. Chun died at the age of 90 in his home in Seoul, according to the Yonhap news agency. He had ruled the country in an authoritarian manner in the 1980s and was known as the “butcher of Gwangju” for brutally cracking down on protests in the southern city.

Chun took power in 1979 after a military coup. In May 1980, pro-democracy demonstrators in Gwangju dared to revolt against the military junta, which was suppressed by government troops and resulted in a bloodbath. According to official figures, more than 200 people have been killed or have been missing since then. Activists estimate the number of victims three times higher.

7.09 a.m.: USA impose further sanctions because of Nord Stream 2

The USA wants to impose further sanctions because of the controversial German-Russian natural gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. Affected with the pipeline and with Russia related company Transadria and its ship “Merlin”, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday in Washington. This means that eight people or facilities and 17 ships are now subject to sanctions. Russia criticized the sanctions as a violation of international law.

Foreign Minister Antony Blinken stressed that the new penalties are in line with the US government’s opposition to the pipeline that will bring gas from Russia to Germany bypassing Ukraine. At the same time, cooperation with Germany and other allies will be continued in order to reduce the risk of the pipeline for Ukraine and eastern NATO countries. Critics see Nord Stream 2 primarily as a geopolitical project for Russia.

6.46 a.m.: Dozens of dead in a bus accident in Bulgaria

Dozens of people were killed in a serious bus accident in Bulgaria during the night. The official news agency BTA reported, citing the Ministry of the Interior, that there were at least 46 dead, including several children. Some of the injured had been taken to a hospital in Sofia, none of them were in mortal danger. A total of about 50 passengers and two drivers were on the bus, reported the state radio with reference to the police.

The accident occurred on the Struma motorway about 40 kilometers south of the capital Sofia. According to the BTA, the bus had rammed a guardrail shortly after 2 a.m. (1 a.m. CET) for reasons that were still unexplained and then rolled over. According to initial findings, there were so few survivors because the bus caught fire. It was initially unclear whether he had caught fire before the accident or if he rolled over and then went up in flames.

6.18 a.m.: US novelist Noah Gordon died at the age of 95

The US novelist Noah Gordon is dead. He died at the age of 95, as his family announced on Gordon’s official website. His best-known work is the novel “The Medicus” from 1986. The world bestseller is set in the eleventh century and describes the adventures of the English orphan Robert Cole, who sets off to Persia to be trained as a doctor by a famous polymath.

5.18 a.m.: US government warns against traveling to Germany

In view of the current strong spread of the corona virus, the US government is expressly warning against traveling to Germany. “Do not travel to Germany in view of Covid-19,” says the travel advice from the State Department in Washington updated on Monday. The new notice on Germany is based on an assessment by the US health protection agency CDC.

The CDC raised its information on health risks for travelers in Germany to level 4 – this is the highest level that equates to an urgent warning. The level 4 indicates a “very high level of Covid-19 in the country,” said the Foreign Ministry. The State Department also published a level 4 travel advice for Denmark on Monday due to the high number of corona infections.

4.51 a.m.: RKI: Nationwide incidence at just under 400

The nationwide seven-day incidence has again risen to a high. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week in the morning at 399.8. For comparison: the previous day the value was 386.5, a week ago it was 312.4 (previous month: 100.0). The health authorities in Germany reported 45,326 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. This is evident from the numbers that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 3:39 a.m. Exactly one week ago there were 32,048 infections.

3.58 a.m.: Cologne fire brigade is fighting with a large contingent against fire in school

A destructive fire in the Astrid Lindgren School in Cologne’s Ehrenfeld district triggered a large-scale operation with four turntable ladders and around 100 emergency services. Thanks to the massive use of water, the fire was under control late Monday evening, said a fire department spokesman. The roof structure collapsed during the extinguishing work. The post-extinguishing work was completed around 1:00 a.m. The “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” had previously reported.

2.28 a.m.: Hostage takers kill farmers and two workers in Paraguay

After four men were kidnapped in Paraguay, three of the victims were shot dead by the hostage takers. A farmer from the Christian Mennonite religious community and two workers were killed near the city of San Estanislao in the San Pedro department in the center of the South American country, the newspaper ABC Color reported on Monday, citing the police. Another worker escaped the hostage-takers.

0.35 a.m.: Israel starts corona vaccinations for children from the age of five

Corona vaccinations for children between the ages of five and eleven have started in Israel. In a clinic in Tel Aviv, doses of the Biontech Pfizer vaccine were administered to children of this age group on Monday evening, according to reporters from the AFP news agency.

The vaccine is injected into five to eleven year olds in two shots with a dose of ten micrograms each. That is a third of the usual adult dosage. According to Pfizer, the protection against Covid 19 disease through vaccination in this age group is 90.7 percent.


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