News of the day – News of September 20, 2022 – Politics

News compact

Moscow is reaching out to Ukrainian territories with referendums. The leadership of the pro-Russian separatists in the Luhansk, Donetsk and Kherson regions have called referenda on joining Russia. Voting will be held simultaneously from September 23rd to 27th. The military administration has also decided to hold a vote in the Russian-controlled part of the Zaporizhia region. To the live blog

ECJ rejects German rules on data retention. Germany needs to change its data retention rules. This was decided by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). With their verdict, the judges, who have already ruled on similar cases in other countries, are sticking to their previous line: saving without a specific reason violates EU law. In several cases, however, the judges allow data storage. Go to Article

Stiko recommends boosters with adapted vaccines. Three vaccines that specifically target the omicron variants can be administered in Germany. The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) is in favor of using the adapted vaccines for all booster vaccinations. Otherwise, everything remains the same as before with the Stiko recommendations: the second booster vaccination should be given to people over 60 years of age, residents of care facilities, patients with certain previous illnesses and employees in the health and care sector. To the article (SZ Plus)

Reserves of oil, gas and coal could exceed climate targets. A global register shows how devastating it would be to exploit only the known deposits of fossil raw materials. In order to go beyond the global climate goals, it would therefore be sufficient to fully exploit and burn only the known reserves of the USA or Russia. Go to Article

Niels Högel’s colleagues can count on acquittal. In an interim decision, the district court of Oldenburg came to the conclusion that the doctors and nurses who let the murderous nurse do their thing could not be proven to have acted with intent. The verdict is due on October 25. Go to Article

Which was also important

Everything about the energy crisis

Uniper is to be nationalized. The gas importer is in final talks with the federal government and the Finnish major shareholder Fortum. The controversial gas surcharge, which is to be 2.4 cents per kilowatt hour from October, was also designed to protect companies like Uniper from bankruptcy. A nationalization of Uniper and other gas suppliers can now make the gas levy obsolete. To the live blog

How Germany gets through the winter. Despite the Russian supply freeze, German gas storage facilities are now more than 90 percent full. But that alone is no reason to give the all-clear. The most important questions and answers. Go to Article

This has interested many readers today

If you do nothing, you pay more. Because of inflation, insurers want to noticeably increase prices in the motor vehicle and home insurance segments. Whether customers have to pay more is largely up to them. Go to Article

Suddenly fewer babies. According to a study at the beginning of the year, the number of births in Germany fell sharply. Researchers blame the effects of the pandemic. Go to Article

How good does the person we cheer for have to be? Since the allegations against singer Win Butler, “Arcade Fire” by indie darlings has become a problem. A brooding concert visit. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Last but not least

When the influencer caravan moves through the Oktoberfest. As soon as Cathy Hummels and her influencers visit the Wiesn, abysses open up – which one likes to look into. About dubious immune boosters, Oktoberfest wormholes and a nightly dance in front of the Bavaria with bunny ears. Go to Article

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