News of the day – News of October 22, 2021 – Politics

Bundestag election

“I know what we did.” Farewell after 16 years in power: In her last conversation with the Süddeutsche Zeitung As Chancellor Angela Merkel talks about her relationship with the CDU, the balance sheet of her climate policy, the mistakes in the fight against Corona – and she reveals that she can sleep peacefully in the Chancellery when thinking of Olaf Scholz. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Stories are more beautiful than arguments. The next federal government needs a new “narrative”, it is said everywhere. But what does that even mean? About crises and meaningfulness, desire and reality and the master of storytelling, ex-US President Obama. To the article (SZ Plus)

Also important

News compact

Hard debates at Merkel’s last EU summit. Migration, energy prices, the rule of law in Poland: the Brussels summit struggles with old and new conflict issues. Merkel is once again in high demand as a “compromise machine”. Go to Article

Afghans are now also to receive language courses. Afghan refugees are rarely deported. Nevertheless, they are mostly excluded from German courses. Labor Minister Hubertus Heil wants to change that. Go to Article

Countries want legal protection for corona protective measures. That is the result of the Prime Minister’s Conference. The step is necessary because the “epidemic situation of national scope” is to come to an end. You still need caution and mechanisms “to be able to fight this pandemic”, even if a lot has already been achieved in the fight against the virus, says NRW Prime Minister Laschet. Go to Article

The crux with the vaccination certificate in Germany. The corona numbers are increasing rapidly, which is why Austria is introducing a 3-G rule for the workplace. And Germany? The numbers are rising too, but the matter of having a vaccination certificate on the job is complicated. Because in principle employers in Germany are not allowed to ask about the vaccination status of their employees. Go to Article

Experts consider Würzburg stabbers to be incapable of guilt. Shortly after the fact in the summer, there were initial speculations – now it is becoming apparent: the suspect is probably mentally ill. Three women were killed and five people were critically injured. There were also four slightly injured. Go to Article

Swedish rapper shot. Despite his only 19 years of age, Einár was one of the most famous musicians in Sweden. Now he’s dead. Next week he should have testified against members of a gang. Go to Article

Other important topics of the day:

That interested many today

One thing is clear: Alec Baldwin fired the prop weapon. A camerawoman is dead, the also injured director has meanwhile been able to leave the hospital. And much is still unclear in the case. To the article (SZ Plus)

Youtuber “Drachenlord” sentenced to two years in prison. The 32-year-old is known – and hated – on the Internet. For years he has been arguing with his opponents who visit him regularly at home. Now he had to go to court for several crimes. Go to Article

When the “Bild” newspaper lost its decency. Georg Streiter wrote the most famous “Bild” headline “We are Pope”. He thinks: There is decent and indecent tabloid journalism – and Julian Reichelt and his boss Mathias Döpfner never understood the difference. To the guest post

Last but not least

One time, freedom to borrow, please. With the camper van at sunset on the beach, on the alpine pastures and on the Norwegian fjords: In the past, trips with the VW Bulli were just low-budget trips, but since Corona the market has been booming like never before. About the lucrative business with the retro feeling. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

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