News of the day – News of January 16, 2023 – Politics

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No extra money for refugees. Interior Minister Faeser does not want to make more funds available. Representatives of municipalities and federal states are disappointed at the summit in Berlin. Go to Article

Federal Constitutional Court objects to use of police software. It is the first judgment on the use of artificial intelligence in the prevention of crime. The use of the data analysis program in Hesse and Hamburg is unconstitutional in its current form. Go to Article

After the dog excrement scandal, the Hanover State Opera separates from its ballet director. Marco Goecke smeared a journalist with dog feces, now he’s out of his job. His plays will continue to be performed. To the article (SZ Plus)

This is how the CDU, SPD and Greens start exploring the formation of a government in Berlin. The election result presents the parties with a tricky task. The election winner, the CDU, is holding initial talks with the Social Democrats and the Greens this Friday. Go to Article

Seniors in US Politics – When is Old Too Old? At 89, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein is finally thinking about the end of her career. Republican Nikki Haley demands that the mental abilities of all members of Congress over 75 be tested – also a swipe at Biden and Trump.To the article

All about the war in Ukraine

Ukraine reports new wave of attacks. Russia reportedly fires more than 30 missiles at infrastructure facilities, half of them are intercepted. The head of the Munich Security Conference says Russia needs “deputinization”. To the live blog

Ukrainian population in Germany more than sevenfold. More than a million people have come to the country since the war began – and most feel welcome. Ukrainians are now the second largest foreign population. Go to Article

PEN Club: “It is an illusion that Russia cannot be defeated”. Volodymyr Yermolenko, President of the Ukrainian PEN Club, on his definition of peace, the collapse of international structures and the strength of Ukrainian civil society. To the interview (SZ Plus)

Which was also important

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