News of the day – News of February 22, 2023 – Politics

All about the war in Ukraine

Beijing is backing Moscow. Foreign policy expert Wang Yi’s visit to Russian President Vladimir Putin makes it clear that China can hardly play a neutral role in peace negotiations. Go to Article

Putin announces visit from Xi. Cooperation between the two countries is “particularly important for stabilizing the international situation,” said the Russian President at a meeting with China’s top diplomats. During an appearance in a Moscow stadium, the head of the Kremlin sounds a battle cry. To the live blog

When Meloni coughs in Kyiv. The Roman right-wing government is tearing itself apart because of its attitude towards Ukraine. The Prime Minister is in a dilemma. Go to Article

News compact

Karlsruhe judges declare the exclusion of the AfD-related foundation from funding inadmissible. The party sees itself disadvantaged because the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation does not receive any money. Karlsruhe agrees with her and calls for a new law on the eligibility criteria for political foundations. Go to Article

OPINION Party-affiliated foundations: Karlsruhe condemns the Bundestag to action (SZ Plus)

In Berlin, the signs are black and green. But that could change fundamentally again next Monday. Then the state returning officer will announce the official final result of the election to the House of Representatives on February 12. Go to Article

EXCLUSIVE The Federal Cross of Merit for men and women will be the same size in future. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier changes the size of the Federal Cross of Merit for women. So far, the order has had men’s versions and smaller women’s versions. That should change from March. Steinmeier decided to “largely align” the women’s and men’s versions, said a spokesman for the Federal President Süddeutsche Zeitung. To the article (SZ Plus)

Campaign noise at Political Ash Wednesday. What sounds like wild insults is almost de rigueur at the political Ash Wednesday in Lower Bavaria. The exchange of blows at a glance. To the article (SZ Plus)

Nagelsmann gets away with a fine. The DFB waived a ban and sentenced the Bayern coach to a payment of 50,000 euros after his tantrum in Gladbach. Among other things, his quick apology had a positive effect, says the DFB. Go to Article

Which was also important

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