News of the day – News of August 8, 2021 – Politics

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Taliban conquer Kunduz. Corpses in the streets, but nobody dares to recover them: the Taliban are overrunning ever larger parts of Afghanistan. Now it is the turn of a large city that has long been held by the Germans. The criticism of the German federal government is growing because it is not helping the former local armed forces enough. Go to Article

At Deutsche Bahn, all signs point to a strike. Train travelers will have to be prepared for difficulties in the next few weeks: The train drivers’ union is pushing ahead with plans for a strike and is expecting a high level of approval. Deutsche Bahn speaks of an “attack on the whole country”. Go to Article

Fire disasters move the world. It’s not just burning in the Mediterranean. Fires are also raging in large parts of Siberia and California. Russia is threatened by the biggest forest fires of this century. The environmental organization Greenpeace has listed a burned area of ​​14.3 million hectares for the country since the beginning of the year. Go to Article

Investigation into the death of a 34-year-old in Berlin. Two young Afghans are suspected of murdering their sister “out of an offended sense of honor” and of having brought the body in a suitcase on the train to Bavaria. Since there will be elections in the capital in a few weeks, the appearance of a so-called honor killing is enough to call for consequences. Go to Article

The Olympic Games are over. IOC President Thomas Bach declares the competitions over at the closing ceremony. He speaks of a hopeful event in times of Corona. The German Olympic team has the worst record since reunification and the Barcelona Games in 1992. She lands in ninth place in the medal table. Go to Article

German track cyclists go away empty-handed. In the final competitions, Maximilian Levy and Emma Hinze just missed the medal ranks. After the men, France’s women handball players also win gold. Reports from the final day of the Olympics at a glance. Go to Article

Other important topics of the day:

The most important thing about the corona virus

Habeck calls on unvaccinated people to overcome their “indolence”. You have the right not to be vaccinated – but not for others to take it into account, said the Green chief. CDU boss Laschet, on the other hand, does not want to make a distinction between those who have been vaccinated, those who have recovered and those who have been tested. Go to Article

Protests in France over 230,000 people. The protests are not easing – on the contrary. Hundreds of thousands take to the streets in France against mandatory vaccinations and the Corona passport. There is strong mobilization in the south – there are particularly many new cases. Go to Article

The vaccination miracle of Spain. In hardly any other European country is the willingness to vaccinate as great as in Spain. There is neither pressure on unvaccinated people nor extra sausages for vaccinated people. How do you do it then? (SZ Plus) To the article

That interested many

How was school, Mr. Habeck? Teachers, grades, lust and frustration – what ten celebrities say about their school days: Luisa Neubauer, Otto Waalkes, Robert Habeck, Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, Smudo, Lisa Eckhart, Karl Lauterbach, Sahra Wagenknecht, Boris Palmer and Uschi Glas. Go to Article

How to live in one of the hottest places on earth. The Taylor family lives in Death Valley, California, where temperatures exceed 50 degrees Celsius. What can you learn from them about dealing with heat? To the article (SZ Plus)

Fallen out of time. The modern pentathlon comes under massive criticism because of the incidents while riding – allegations of cruelty to animals are loud. The national coach has to leave, rule changes are demanded – but the world association president sees no fundamental problem. To the article (SZ Plus)

Last but not least

Steckleis with rosé wine, Aperol and berries. It doesn’t get any more summery: This simple, sweet and tart popsicle with raspberries, strawberries, Aperol and rosé tastes particularly good as an aperitif – and can be frozen in advance. Go to Article


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