News in the morning – News of July 24, 2021 – Politics

What is important

The first gold medal of the Olympic Games goes to China. The air rifle shooter Qian Yang prevails because her Russian competitor Anastasiia Galaschina fails fatally in the last shot. Nina Christen from Switzerland wins bronze, the German participant Jolyn Beer comes in 17th place. Go to Article

Germany eight moves into the final. The rowers defeat the USA in the final sprint, tennis player Anna-Lena Friedsam wins, fencer Max Hartung is eliminated in the round of 16. Shooter Christian Reitz finished fifth with the air pistol over the ten-meter distance. Go to Article

Exclusive: “Helping the poor helps the whole economy”. The American economist Paul Krugman speaks out strongly against lowering taxes on the rich. “People overestimate the power of taxes to create incentives,” he said in an interview. The theory that one is doing something for normal workers by lowering taxes for high earners is unsustainable. On the other hand, there are strong indications that financial aid for poor people is good for the economy in the long run. The children would become healthier and the adults more productive. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Remembering the attack in Ansbach. Würzburg, Munich and Ansbach – five years ago three attacks shook the whole of Bavaria in just one week. In Ansbach, a 27-year-old killed himself with a bomb and injured 15 people. For Interior Minister Herrmann it was “the worst days” in office. He asked himself: “Will it go on like this now, will it become permanent?” Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Other important topics:

The news about the coronavirus

Exploding numbers of infections put Johnson in dire straits. Because of the many new corona cases, more and more people in England have to be quarantined. This has noticeable consequences, for example in London’s local transport, where individual lines are canceled due to a lack of drivers. But the British prime minister continues to believe that his decision to lift almost all corona restrictions is correct. Go to Article

How schools have to prepare for autumn. The next wave of corona could soon mean that, despite open schools, many children have to stay at home again – as contact persons, even though they are not infected themselves. This could be prevented with intelligent strategies: with testing instead of locking out. Go to Article

Best things

The perfect finder. A shrimp fisherman from the Thai province found a pearl in his lunch. Quite a valuable one, actually. Go to Article


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