News in the morning – News of July 21, 2022 – Politics

What is important today

Italy’s government is on the verge of collapse. In a vote of confidence in the Senate, Prime Minister Draghi clearly missed the broad approval he wanted. Although he wins with 95 yes votes and 39 no votes, the governing parties Lega, Forza Italia and the Five Star Movement do not vote. It is therefore likely that Draghi will again offer his resignation to President Mattarella. Another vote of confidence is due this Thursday in the Chamber of Deputies, the larger of the two chambers. Go to Article

EXCLUSIVE “And suddenly you have your hand on your butt”. Is it normal for women to play football these days? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Recreational and national players, referees and officials report on everyday sexism, structural disadvantages – and men who say “Take off! Take off!” call. To the article (SZ Plus)

Germany is cooling down. After the hottest day of the year, there will be thunderstorms in some regions and temperatures will drop. But that probably won’t stay that way for long. The Federal Environment Agency is urging cities to be better equipped to withstand high temperatures and heavy rain. To the live blog

British House of Commons votes in favor of controversial Northern Ireland bill. In the House of Lords, the project will probably meet with significantly more resistance. The law is intended to allow the government in London to unilaterally override the Brexit agreements with the British province. If she succeeds in doing so, there will likely be serious upheavals with the EU. Go to Article

US court approves heartbeat law in Georgia. The judges ruled that it could come into force immediately, citing the Supreme Court’s controversial abortion decision. With the law, women in the US state are in most cases no longer allowed to terminate a pregnancy after just a few weeks – namely when the heartbeat of the fetus has been detected. Go to Article

war in Ukraine

Gas is flowing through Nord Stream 1 again – but how much? The ten-day maintenance work on the pipeline ended this Thursday – according to the operator, natural gas is already arriving in Germany. Gazprom announces deliveries around the level of early July – but that is uncertain. According to US calculations, around 15,000 Russian soldiers have died in the war so far. Foreign Minister Baerbock is irritated by Saxon Prime Minister Kretschmer’s demand that the war be “frozen”. To the live blog

The Russian war economy is surprisingly strong. The EU Commission expects the Russian economy to slump by up to 15 percent. Superficially, the sanctions are having an effect. But the income from the export of oil and gas helps the Kremlin, and because of the high prices it even profits financially from the war against Ukraine. To the article (SZ Plus)

Olena Selenska visits the USA. The wife of the Ukrainian president works more in the background. She rarely gives interviews – and when she does, she focuses on the weak. Now she has given a powerful speech to Congress in Washington. To the article (SZ Plus)

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best things

Fly, Amelia, fly! A hen from the US state of Vermont is named after a famous American feminist by her owners after a little excursion. Is this a good idea? Go to Article

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