News in the morning – News of February 23, 2022 – Politics

What is important today

Ukraine crisis: Biden cancels meeting with Putin “This is certainly not planned at the moment,” explains a spokeswoman for the US President. Foreign Minister Blinken also refrained from meeting his Russian counterpart Lavrov. Ukraine starts partial mobilization and calls up reservists. More and more states are joining sanctions against Russia. The developments in the live blog

US imposes severe financial sanctions on Russia. “We are cutting Russia off from Western funding,” President Biden says. From now on, the country may no longer take on any new government debt in US dollars. He also imposed punitive measures against two banks and against oligarch families. In addition, the United States is moving further troops stationed in Europe east, particularly to the Baltic States. In addition, the President prepares Americans for rising energy prices, while his predecessor Trump stabs him in the back: He praises Putin and thus reveals cracks in the apparent American unity. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Federal government: Traffic light coalition discusses relief in the event of high energy prices. At noon, the heads of the SPD, Greens and FDP come together in the coalition committee. There is disagreement in the government as to exactly which measures should be taken. The early end of the green electricity surcharge is as good as decided. There is more discussion about a possible increase in the commuter allowance, which Finance Minister Lindner supports, but the Greens definitely don’t want. Go to Article

EXCLUSIVE Suisse Secrets: Secret services – secret money. More than a dozen former intelligence chiefs from around the world maintained secret accounts worth millions at Credit Suisse. Including torturers and close confidants of dictators. How could the big bank tolerate these customers? Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Switzerland – a divided country. The Confederates have done a lot to shake off their image as the treasury of the rich – but so far it hasn’t really succeeded. Why is that? A search for clues. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Bavaria – Söder wants to appoint new ministers. Who has to go, who is new to the cabinet? Bavaria’s Prime Minister is presenting personnel changes this Wednesday. The political scientist Ursula Münch says: “Every cabinet reshuffle shows that the prime minister was wrong.” A conversation about possible candidates and a prime minister who likes to be the center of attention. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Other important topics:

The most important thing about the corona virus

Nationwide incidence continues to fall. The seven-day value falls from around 1307 to around 1279. The Robert Koch Institute reports 209,052 new infections in 24 hours. That’s about 11,000 fewer cases than a week ago. Go to Article

“The children will sooner or later be infected with omicron.” While more and more corona restrictions are falling in everyday life, Bavarian schoolchildren still have to wear masks. Is it time for a little more normalcy? What experts, students and the Minister of Education say about it. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

best things

Chilling music, dude. A 92-year-old musician from Malawi inspires the Tiktok youth with his lively sound. If only she knew what the lyrics mean! Go to Article

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