News in the morning – News of February 22, 2023 – Politics

All about the war in Ukraine

EXCLUSIVE International Study: World Divided by War in Ukraine. The people of many European countries are of the opinion that Ukraine must reconquer all territories. In India, Turkey and Russia, on the other hand, there is support for a speedy end to the conflict, even if Ukraine were to lose territory in the process. A very different picture emerges around the world when it comes to the question of how to deal with Russia. To the article (SZ Plus)

Much diplomacy before the first anniversary. This Wednesday, US President Biden is in Warsaw in consultation with heads of government from Central and Eastern Europe. China’s highest foreign politician is in Moscow, and the UN General Assembly is convening in New York. BND President Kahl sees no desire for peace among the Russian leadership. To the live blog

Wagenknecht finds Biden’s speech “just as dangerous” as Putin’s. With “Markus Lanz”, the left-wing politician defends her controversial position, all the objections of the other guests in the talk round roll off her. But she can’t explain what to negotiate with an aggressor who doesn’t want to negotiate either. To the TV review (SZ Plus)

Nord Stream 2: Ex-Federal President criticizes “ignoring reality”. Köhler talks about his meetings with then and now Russian President Putin. Already 20 years ago he got to know him as a power politician who knew how to use raw material deliveries as a weapon. At least since the annexation of Crimea, it had been clear that Putin was pursuing a “new Russian imperialism.” To the interview (SZ Plus)

What is important today

Document incriminates deceased pope. As head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican, Joseph Ratzinger allowed Priest H. to hold Holy Mass with grape juice rather than wine. His old Archdiocese of Munich and Freising asked for this and gave the reason: The clergyman had previously abused children under the influence of alcohol. Benedict XVI During his lifetime he had always denied having known about the allegations against H. as a bishop. Go to Article

The Greens and the Union demand that the Hamburg Islamic Center be closed. The facility is considered one of the most important outposts of the Iranian regime in Germany, and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution has been monitoring it for years. Green interior politician Kaddor is demanding a rapid ban from Federal Interior Minister Faeser. The Union also sees a threat to Germany in the center. Go to Article

Champions League: Frankfurt loses 0:2. At Eintracht, SSC Napoli shows why they are currently leading Serie A by a large margin. The Italians combine fantastically in places – and the Hessians also have to cope with a red card against their best striker. Go to Article

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