News in the morning – News of February 21, 2023 – Politics

What is important today

EXCLUSIVE Secret Kremlin paper details plans for Russian takeover of Belarus. Russia is apparently planning a secret annexation by 2030. This is suggested by a leaked document from the Moscow presidential administration. Putin’s strategists want to undermine the country politically, economically and militarily. To the article (SZ Plus)

New earthquakes in south-east Turkey and Syria. Two weeks after the devastating catastrophe, the earth is shaking again in the region. Again, people run in panic into the street and save themselves from collapsing buildings. At least three people die and 213 are hospitalized. Go to Article

OPINION Baerbocks and Faesers valuable trip this Tuesday to the Turkish earthquake area (SZ Plus)

Israel passes controversial judicial reform law. Prime Minister Netanyahu is calling it a “great day,” but critics warn that Israel’s legislative changes will undermine democratic controls and balances, encourage corruption and lead to diplomatic isolation. Go to Article

More of the company pension should be left in the future. Millions of retirees in Germany have much less from their company pension scheme than they had hoped. Chancellor Scholz has now promised to change that – but that should be expensive. To the article (SZ Plus)

All about the war in Ukraine

Biden and Putin with speeches on the war. Shortly before the first anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine, the US President and the Russian head of state want to hold speeches this Tuesday. Belarus is setting up a volunteer army of up to 150,000 men. To the live blog

Meloni plans visit to Ukraine. The Italian Prime Minister took a long time to travel to Kiev. Now she wants to come – with the promise to deliver more weapons and to help organize the reconstruction. Go to Article

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