News in the morning – News of February 18, 2023 – Politics

What is important today

Munich Security Conference: The West seeks proximity to the Global South. Never before have so many high-ranking representatives from developing countries attended the Munich Security Conference. Delegates from Africa, Asia and Latin America are given a stage here. But the courted governments have tangible demands. Because the financial situation of many southern countries after the pandemic, rising energy and food prices and an intensification of the climate crisis is worrying. Go to Article

Demo weekend in Munich: Focus on Ukraine and Iran. The police and the city expect numerous traffic obstructions, the organizers with thousands of participants. The highlight of the protests is today, Saturday. An overview. Go to Article

EXCLUSIVE Retired at 63 missed stated targets. The so-called pension at 63 apparently misses the central political goals for which it was once enforced. For example, retirees who take advantage of the scheme are much less likely to have major health problems than those who do not take early retirement in this way. This is shown by studies by the German Economic Institute. To the article (SZ Plus)

EXCLUSIVE Investment: Greens are in favor of a ban on commissions. Anyone who sells a fund or insurance often receives a commission. The EU Commission now wants to discuss a ban. The Greens welcome this – and thus open a new conflict with the FDP. Go to Article

Earthquake in Turkey: Much blame and a crowd of scapegoats. The government is arresting contractors whose buildings collapsed in the earthquakes. But many are wondering: How could all the defective buildings be approved? It is clear that the authorities have looked the other way. The number of dead is now over 40,000. To the article (SZ Plus)

Philipp Lahm: “The players get more than enough money”. The former captain Lahm demands in the SZ-Interview calls on the German national soccer players to identify more, he demands clearer leadership from the team leaders. He wants to use the home EM 2024 as tournament director to set an example for democracy. To the interview (SZ Plus)

Charges against police officers who shot dead mentally ill youth. In August 2022, a 16-year-old mentally ill refugee was shot dead during a police operation in Dortmund. The public prosecutor’s office has now brought charges against five officers. To the article (SZ Plus)

All about the war in Ukraine

Criticism of Putin is stirring among the Russian elite, but it is not dangerous for him. If the mood changes among members of the government, officials, oligarchs, the state media and the people in the security apparatus, the Kremlin ruler is threatened with a palace revolt. But the system of distrust leaves little room for coalitions against him. To the article (SZ Plus)

  • Debate about Jürgen Habermas and the war. (SZ Plus)

Russia calls UN Security Council on Nord Stream Moscow is calling on UN Secretary-General Guterres to launch an international investigation into the gas pipeline explosion and identify those responsible. Deputy Prime Minister Kubrakov is pushing for equality of arms with Russia. To the live blog

EXCLUSIVE Head of Airbus armaments division against delivery of fighter jets to Ukraine. “In view of the strong Russian air defense system, I would question the fact that combat aircraft are currently the key factor in the Ukraine war,” says Schöllhorn in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung. In any case, it would only be about older aircraft. According to Schöllhorn, the training of pilots and technicians would take months. However, he also did not want to “categorically rule out anything”. To the interview (SZ Plus)

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