News in the morning – News of December 18, 2021 – Politics

What is important today

EXCLUSIVE Lemke: “The species crisis will be the next big battle”. The new Federal Environment Minister says that the species crisis “directly threatens our livelihoods.” Protecting the climate and biodiversity at the same time can succeed if more forests are managed in a natural way, moors are watered and floodplains are renatured. As consumer protection minister, Lemke wants to enforce a “right to repair”. “Far too often a product is not repaired, but simply replaced with a new one,” says Lemke. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Things could soon get very busy in the Union faction. It is now clear who will be the new CDU boss. But who is then the opposition leader? Merz is keeping a candidacy for the parliamentary group chairman open, but Brinkhaus does not want to leave his post. Go to Article

Finally number one. Troublemaker, Merkel critic and darling of the conservatives: Merz made it to the top of the CDU after two failed attempts. Pictures of a career with ups and downs. Go to Article

Bayern beat Wolfsburg. An opponent has rarely been more passive this season: Against VfL, the team of coach Nagelsmann managed a convincing 4-0 in the last game of the first half of the season. Lewandowski scored his 43rd goal this calendar year, breaking another Gerd Müller record. Go to Article

Tax haven at the gates of Munich. 11,000 residents, 8,800 companies: Grünwald is a dream for companies that want to pay little business tax. Mailbox, little room and telephone are all that is needed and the tax authorities lose out. Or is he not looking closely enough? Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Other important topics of the day:

The most important thing about the corona virus

Risk on the holidays. Despite the high number of infections, many people will meet with their loved ones at Christmas and New Year’s Eve. How big is the risk that the virus will also celebrate, and what is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones? A data analysis. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

42 813 new infections, the incidence drops to 321.8. The head of the German Hospital Society fears a large number of simultaneously sick patients because of Omikron. Bundestag President Bas calls for a vaccination register, SPD General Secretary Kühnert is against it. The federal government classifies Andorra, Denmark, France, Lebanon and Norway as high-risk areas. Go to Article

Austria introduces 2 G for incoming travelers. In future, only those who have been vaccinated three times and those who have recovered will be able to travel to Austria without a PCR test. In Scotland, omicron accounts for more than 50 percent of the cases. Go to Article

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