News in the morning – news from 19. September 2022 – Politics

What is important today

Scholz speaks to the UN Assembly. Ukrainian President Zelenskiy wants to address the United Nations by video, Kremlin boss Putin is sending Foreign Minister Lavrov to New York. And because of the death of the Queen, there is an exceptional situation in which the German Chancellor appears at the lectern in front of the US President on Wednesday night. Above all, he probably wants to woo those states, including democratic ones, that take a far less clear stance against Russia and its crimes in Ukraine. To the article (SZ Plus)

Baerbock accuses Russia of attacking United Nations foundations. Before her trip to the General Assembly in New York, the Federal Foreign Minister emphasized the role of the United Nations in global crisis management. According to Ukraine, it is advancing further in the Luhansk region. A campaign for rapid accession to Russia begins in two separatist areas. To the live blog

European Court of Justice decides on German data retention. This Tuesday, the European Court of Justice will decide whether German data retention is compatible with EU law. Experts assume that at least major restrictions will be imposed. However, there could also be scope for national regulation – and thus room for debates in the traffic light coalition. SPD Interior Minister Faeser wants the instrument back to combat child abuse. Greens and FDP are against it. Go to Article

Habeck sees a chance “to get through the winter well” He would not have said that a few months ago, the economics minister says optimistically, despite the suspension of Russian gas supplies. But a lot of energy has to be saved and you need “a bit of luck with the weather”. The German gas storage facilities are now more than 90 percent full. To the live blog

Hansi Flick: “It’s better to build self-confidence in players first” For national soccer coach Hansi Flick, the games in the Nations League in the coming days will mark the start of preparations for the World Cup in Qatar in winter. In the interview he talks about the differences between his work and that of his predecessor Jogi Löw, he explains why he brought the eternal Bayern assistant coach Hermann Gerland into his team and explains why he doesn’t like being called “national coach”. To the interview (SZ Plus)

Estimate: There are 20 quadrillion ants on earth. According to researchers, this corresponds to a biomass of twelve megatons of carbon. That’s more than the combined biomass of all birds and mammals except humans. The influence of the ants on the planet is correspondingly enormous. Most ants are found in the tropics and subtropics. It is also where most of the different species live. Go to Article

Cases of polio are increasing in rich countries. New York has declared a state of emergency because of the polio virus, and the pathogen is also reappearing in London and Jerusalem. Although large outbreaks are unlikely due to the high vaccination rates, individual communities are more severely affected because only a few people are vaccinated there. To the article (SZ Plus)

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Door to door. Caution when planning the kitchen: In Lörrach, a woman is locked in by her automatically opening dishwasher. Go to Article

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