New York: Despite disruptors – long-term winners in hot dog eating competitions

new York
Despite disruptors – long-term winners in hot dog eating competitions

Joey Chestnut has won the US Independence Day hot dog eating contest for the 15th time in 16 years. Photo: Julia Nikhinson/AP/dpa

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Series champion Joey Chestnut has won the US Independence Day hot dog eating contest again. However, he could not break his world record.

For the 15th time in 16 years, series champion Joey Chestnut has won the US Independence Day hot dog eating contest in New York.

The 38-year-old couldn’t break his own world record of 76 hot dogs in ten minutes from the previous year, instead he wolfed down 63 sausages in soft buns in front of tens of thousands of spectators. The American had already stated in advance that he would probably not be able to reach the record again due to a lack of training. Chestnut had won the competition every year since 2016.

In the amusement park in Coney Island in the south of the metropolis, a demonstrator also disrupted the competition right next to Chestnut. He stormed onto the stage, holding a sign denouncing the conditions of the hot dog’s pork producer. Chestnut put him in a headlock during the eating contest before he could be removed from the stage after a few seconds.

Miki Sudo won the women’s with 40 hot dogs. She has won every competition since 2014 except last year – she did not compete in the 2021 competition while pregnant.


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