New request for release rejected for the police officer responsible for the shooting

The investigating chamber of the Versailles Court of Appeal confirmed on Thursday the continued pre-trial detention of the police officer responsible for the fatal shooting of Nahel, whose death on June 27 after a road check had triggered a week of riots.

The investigating chamber assured AFP that it had confirmed “an order rejecting the request for release from the judge of liberties and detention of the Nanterre judicial court”, as BFMTV had reported earlier.

Indicted for intentional homicide

Florian M., 38, has remained in detention since June 29 after being indicted for intentional homicide. His lawyer, Me Laurent-Franck Liénard, did not wish to react immediately.

The death of young Nahel, 17, on June 27 during a road check, was the trigger for several nights of urban violence in the Paris region and in the rest of the country. They were marked by scenes of looting, fireworks mortars fired at public buildings and fires.

The Marseille police officer released in the Hedi affair

Another police officer, from the Marseille Bac, was placed in pre-trial detention on July 21 for having seriously injured Hedi, 22, in the head on the fringes of the riots, provoking protests from members of the police across France. . The Marseille police officer was finally released on September 1 and placed under judicial supervision.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne presented measures on Thursday to respond to urban violence, and notably announced in a speech to mayors “an envelope of 100 million euros” to “help with repair and reconstruction”.

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