New record of contamination in Tokyo, where the Olympic Games take place

While hosting the Olympics for less than a week, the capital of Japan sees its number of contaminations increase significantly. This Wednesday, Tokyo recorded 3,117 cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours. It is about a new local record, which comes to erase that of the day before. The city currently under a state of health emergency is seeing a very strong acceleration compared to last week.

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike once again called on her constituents to avoid “unnecessary and non-urgent outings”. “I want young people to get vaccinated. The behavior of young people is crucial. I ask them to cooperate, ”she insisted. Covid-19 cases are also on the rise outside of Tokyo. Three departments bordering the capital – Chiba, Saitama and Kanagawa – are now considering asking the government to reinstate the state of emergency in them as well.

25% of the population fully vaccinated

Japan has been relatively spared from the pandemic, with around 15,150 officially recorded deaths since early 2020. No strict containment measure has been imposed so far, the government not having the constitutional means to do so. The state of health emergency, declared in Tokyo for the fourth time in early July, mainly limits the opening hours of bars and restaurants, and in theory prohibits them from selling alcohol.

The vaccination program got off to a slow start in Japan, however, where just over 25% of the population has received two doses so far.

The Japanese blame the Olympics

The surge in infections risks once again shining the spotlight on the Olympics, with part of the Japanese population believing the event is worsening the local health crisis.

All Olympic participants are subject to draconian measures, including regular testing and restrictions on their movements. The organizers have identified only 169 cases of Covid-19 among the tens of thousands of people involved in the Olympics since July 1, residing in Japan or specially coming from abroad.

Government spokesman Katsunobu Kato on Wednesday called on his fellow citizens to avoid meeting and drinking in groups, suggesting people “watch the Olympics at home”. Spectators are banned from almost all Olympic venues, but people have attended competitions taking place on public roads, such as the triathlon.

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