New for heart health: Highly bioavailable Q10 combined with resveratrol and …

Geisenheim/Rheingau (ots)

A good coenzyme Q10 status is a prerequisite for the energy supply of muscle cells and thus the performance of the heart. However, with increasing age, the body’s own production of Q10 decreases continuously. A Q10 supplement can therefore be useful for older people as well as for athletes. Problem: Q10 is fat-soluble and poorly bioavailable. Dr. Wolz is now bringing out the answer with his ‘ Cardio Protect Q10 Heart Capsules‘ a highly bioavailable Q10 preparation.

The principle: the fat-soluble Q10 molecules are embedded in a ring of glucose molecules – the so-called cyclodextrins – in such a way that a hydrophilic (water-loving) outside and a lipophilic, i.e. fat-friendly, cavity are created inside. The Q10 molecule stays in this cavity until it reaches the intestine. There it is transported individually by the cyclodextrin molecules to the intestinal wall, where it can be easily absorbed. In this way, the bioavailability of the Q10 complex is 18 times higher than with conventional Q10 preparations.

In addition, the Cardio Protect Q10 heart capsules also contain the secondary plant substances resveratrol and OPC from the group of polyphenols, which studies have shown have positive effects on cardiovascular health. Resveratrol is found in the skin and OPC in the seeds of red grapes. The resveratrol content of one capsule of Cardio Protect Q10 heart capsules corresponds to the content of approximately one bottle of red wine or 1 kg of red grapes.

Supplemented with important “heart vitamins”

The recipe is completed by vitamins that are important for heart health. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) contributes to normal heart function. Heart failure is often associated with a thiamine deficiency. Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contribute to the normal formation of red blood cells. Folic acid contributes to normal homocysteine ​​metabolism and normal blood formation. It also contains vitamin D3 because the body’s own production of vitamin D can also be inhibited by statins. Vitamin D also contributes to maintaining normal muscle function – and thus also the heart muscle – and is a natural antagonist of parathyroid hormone, an important risk factor for high blood pressure or heart failure.

That’s why Q10 is so important for the heart

Q10 is an important micronutrient: In its oxidized form, ubiquinone, Q10 is an essential component of the respiratory chain in the mitochondria and thus of energy production. In its reduced form, ubiquinol, it is part of the body’s antioxidant protection systems. Only a small part of the Q10 requirement (approx. 1-3mg) is covered by diet; the majority of the Q10 is produced by the body itself in the liver. But from the age of 25, the Q10 level in the body begins to drop. The Q10 level in the heart tissue of a 40-year-old is around 32 percent lower than in a 20-year-old, and in an 80-year-old it is even around 57 percent lower. Since the heart requires a high amount of energy, the heart’s need for Q10 is particularly high. A weak heart is usually associated with a low Q10 level. Since stress and physical exertion such as sport are also associated with high energy consumption, supplementation with Q10 can also be useful for this target group.

Q10 is also useful when taking statins

In the case of high cholesterol levels, medications from the group of statins are usually prescribed, which block the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which is necessary for the production of cholesterol. However, this blocked enzyme is also the starting material for the synthesis of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin D. Therefore, supplementation with Q10 and vitamin D is advisable for patients taking statins.

The preparation Cardio Protect Q10 Heart Capsules is available in health food stores and pharmacies (40 capsules for 24.95 EUR PZN 18084670) or in the Dr. Wolz online shop at The preparation is gluten-free and free from gelatin, lactose and colorants.

About Dr. Wolz

Dr. Wolz Zell GmbH, based in Geisenheim/Rheingau, has been developing and producing highly effective nutritional supplements for over 50 years. The effectiveness of the products is based on decades of experience combined with the use of innovative technology and has been proven by numerous scientific studies. Today, Dr. Wolz stands for a wide range of natural, proven effective products for maintaining health and recovery, which are constantly being developed further in intensive exchange with naturopathically oriented doctors, clinics and scientists.

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Dr. Wolz GmbH
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65366 Geisenheim
Phone: 06722 – 56100
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Original content from: Dr. Wolz Zell GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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