New British cabinet: Prime Minister Sunak relies on broad support

Status: 10/26/2022 7:47 a.m

The newly elected British Prime Minister Sunak wants to unite his party after the turbulent departure of his predecessor. With the appointment of his cabinet, he sets the first accents. Some right-wing hardliners are making a comeback.

Britain’s Tories remain deeply divided even after Liz Truss left as Prime Minister. Her successor, Rishi Sunak, now wants to steer the conservatives into calmer waters. He is trying to secure broad support with a cabinet made up of supporters and representatives from other wings of the party. Sunak replaced around a dozen members of the previous Truss cabinet. However, he retains several high-ranking representatives.

Minister of Finance Jeremy Hunt stays in office. On the other hand, changes Grant Shapps from the Ministry of the Interior to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Both are intended to ensure stability in the economy and on the financial markets. On the other hand, the renewed convocation of Suella Braverman as Minister of the Interior as a concession to the right fringe of the party.

Braverman had been forced to resign just before Sunak’s predecessor, Truss, about a week ago after admitting she had broken ministerial rules. Braverman stands for an extremely tough immigration policy and wants to fly out migrants arriving on inflatable boats across the English Channel to Rwanda as quickly as possible.

Raab returns as Minister of Justice

Sunak also made it clear with other personal details that he would stick to the right-wing conservative course of the Tories. Known as the “Warrior of Culture Battles”. Kemi Badenoch is Minister for Women and Equality. Dominic Raabwho is returning to the Justice Department as a close Sunak ally and Deputy Prime Minister, has been criticized for his plan to use a so-called Bill of Rights to reduce the influence of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on British legislation.

The new environment and agriculture minister also sits at the cabinet table Therese Coffey. She is considered to be Truss’s closest ally. With Ben Wallace, who remains Defense Secretary, also includes a supporter of ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the new government. foreign minister James Cleverley retains office from the previous government.

“Cabinet of Chaos”

The personal details have already sparked criticism. Renowned British human rights lawyer Jessica Simor tweeted that a brief “moment of hope” was once again in ruins. “You are destroying everything that is good in this country and making everything that is bad worse,” wrote Simor, referring to the Tories who have ruled Britain for the past 12 years.

“This is not a fresh start,” tweeted opposition Labor MP Rosena Allin-Khan. “It’s the same conservative cabinet of chaos,” she said.

Economic reform turned into a fiasco

Sunak announced yesterday his government will show integrity, professionalism and responsibility after the mistakes and chaos of the previous government. “Trust has to be earned and I will earn your trust,” the 42-year-old said at Downing Street. Today Sunak has to answer questions from British MPs in Parliament for the first time.

He is already the third prime minister within two months, after his predecessor Truss failed after only about six weeks with her radical economic reforms and finally resigned. Sunak takes office amid an economic crisis that has taken a toll on government finances.

A £40 billion hole needs to be plugged, according to a report in The Times newspaper. Sunak is said to have already considered postponing next week’s draft budget. He is believed to meet Treasury Secretary Hunt today to discuss his proposals to raise taxes and cut public spending, the report said.

The Decline of the Conservative Party in Britain

Gabi Biesinger, ARD London, 26.10.2022 07:39 a.m

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