Neuschwanstein attack trial: IT specialist testifies – Bavaria

In the murder trial surrounding the attack at Neuschwanstein Castle, a policewoman reports on the survivors’ fear of death. And an IT specialist offers insight into the defendant’s cell phone, which contains files containing child pornography and abuse.

It takes the witness a while to be ready to testify. He sits down in front of the judge, then opens his backpack: he spreads files, folders and a laptop on the table in front of him. The IT specialist, who evaluated the defendant’s cell phones, hard drives and a notebook together with colleagues in more than 250 working hours, is supposed to trace Troy B.’s online usage behavior. The court wants to get a picture of the man who is said to have raped and murdered a woman and pushed her friend down a slope near Neuschwanstein Castle last summer. Maybe a folder on one of the cell phones labeled “T” will help: The expert reports that B. probably took pictures and videos of his little sister with a hidden camera from 2013 to 2019, in the bathroom, sometimes without clothes.

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