Neuried – Information tour on wind power in Forstenrieder Park – district of Munich

How far can you hear a windmill? Are wind turbines economical? And how many households can a wind turbine actually supply with electricity? Interested parties will find the answers to these questions on a bike tour organized by the Würmtal climate network on Thursday, August 25th. Then at 5.30 p.m. we set off from Neurieder Marktplatz, Gautinger Straße 1, for an informative bike tour. The goal is initially the wind turbines in Berg in the Wadlhauser Gräben near Lake Starnberg. On the tour of around 30 kilometers, the group will also stop at the planned locations for wind turbines in Forstenrieder Park. Dieter Maier, third mayor of Neuried, accompanies the trip and uses the opportunity to provide information about the current planning status of the project, in which, in addition to Neuried, Pullach, Schäftlarn and Baierbrunn also want to participate.

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