Behavior during a thunderstorm: What you should pay attention to when there is lightning

Behavior during thunderstorms: What you should pay attention to when there is lightning and thunder

Behavior during a thunderstorm: What to do when there is lightning and thunder?

© Patrick Pleul/DPA

This is how you behave correctly in a thunderstorm – and protect yourself from dangerous lightning. First of all: You can safely forget the saying “You have to move away from oaks, you should look for beech trees”.

According to the DWD, an average of two million people live in Germany every year Lightning registered. The current intensity in the lightning channel can briefly be up to 400,000 amperes, and within a few milliseconds the air there heats up to around 30,000 degrees Celsius. For comparison: temperatures on the Sun’s surface are about six times lower. People are often struck by lightning. Although the probability of this is very low, it can increase if you behave unfavorably during a thunderstorm.

How to behave in a thunderstorm: dos and don’ts

Anyone who is surprised by a thunderstorm outdoors should therefore note the following:

Anyone who Thunderstorms approaching sees, can with one As a rule of thumb, calculate how much time he has left to get to safety: Because where there is lightning, there is also thunder. However, sound travels slower through the air than the light signal. If you want to know how far away the thunderstorm is, you have to Count the seconds between a flash of lightning and the corresponding thunder and divide them by three. If it’s less than five seconds, you should seek protection, experts advise. Because then the lightning is only a good one and a half kilometers away.

In the gallery: What the weather was like in Germany 50 years ago – and what it will be like in 2070


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