Neuried – board elections at the CSU – Munich district

The Neurieder local branch of the CSU confirmed Marianne Hellhuber in her office as local chairwoman with a large majority in the board elections. Alexander Löhr, who is also chairman of the Junge Union in Neuried, was newly elected as deputy. Andreas Giese and Paolo Brenner remain deputies. Peter Kellner has left the board. Niklas Müller was elected the new treasurer. He replaces Silvia Kolb, who held the position for 20 years.

Ulrich Lardschneider received the bronze badge of honor at the general meeting for his many years of commitment to the CSU, the highest award that a local branch of the CSU can bestow. Lardschneider was the local chairman, a municipal councilor for 18 years and is currently the deputy chairman of the Senior Citizens’ Union.

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