Netanyahu greeted in London to boos from opponents of his judicial reform

They took advantage of this summit interview to express their anger. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met his British counterpart Rishi Sunak on Friday at 10 Downing Street, near which hundreds of demonstrators gathered to protest against his controversial judicial reform plan.

After Rome and Berlin, Benjamin Netanyahu is continuing his diplomatic offensive in London to try to convince Western countries to oppose a return to the agreement on the nuclear program of Iran, Israel’s number one enemy. But his trip to the United Kingdom comes in a very tense context in Israel, where a justice reform project that aims to limit the prerogatives of the Supreme Court is perceived by its detractors as an anti-democratic drift.

Protesters denounce “a dictatorship” in Israel

Since the announcement of this project at the beginning of January, by one of the most right-wing governments in the history of Israel, massive demonstrations have taken place every week in the country. Outside Downing Street on Friday morning, hundreds of people carrying Israeli flags demonstrated, including shouting “shame, shame, shame” in Hebrew and English. “I think Netanyahu is taking control of the Supreme Court to make Israel a dictatorship and we must oppose it as strongly as possible,” Alon, an Israeli in his 50s, told AFP. years living in London.

“It’s anger, sadness, it’s just hard to believe (that Israel) is becoming a dictatorship. It’s important to be here, because maybe at some point they will no longer have the right to demonstrate in Israel, ”says Dana Drori, 30, who came with her two daughters. Dozens of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags also demonstrated to protest against the Israeli “occupation” in the Palestinian Territories.

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