Nestlé recognizes that more than 60% of its products cannot be qualified as good for you

Over 60% of Nestlé products do not score high enough to be classified as good for you. – Graeme Sloan / Sipa USA / SIPA

Food industry giant Nestlé doesn’t just make healthy products. That is not necessarily a big surprise. What is more is that the Swiss multinational recognizes it itself. The newspaper Financial Times had access to the content of an internal presentation distributed to Nestlé senior executives.

According to the British daily, the group acknowledged that more than 60% of its major food and drink products did not meet “the definition of health” established by the Australian rating system (our Nutri-Score in France).

Infant, medical and non-affected animal nutrition

Thus, only 37% of its products and drinks obtain a rating above 3.5 stars out of 5. However, in the Australian rating system, the food product must exceed the 3.5 mark to be considered good for health. . Executives admitted that some categories “will never be healthy”, no matter how the group reformulates them.

Reassuring point: infant nutrition, that for pets, coffee or even medical nutrition are not part of the 60% of foods considered unhealthy.

Nestlé to unveil new commitments

After the publication of this article, Nestlé said it intended to change its strategy for its food products. “We are focusing first on the part of our food and beverage portfolio that can be measured using external systems on the nutrient profile,” explained the spokesperson for the group, citing the Australian system and the Nutri-Score.

The Financial Times assures in its article that “Nestlé executives are examining what new commitments to make on nutrition” and plan to “unveil a new plan this year”.

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