near Vannes, a horse euthanized after being mutilated

The facts obviously recall the series of mutilations of horses recorded almost everywhere in France, and in particular in Brittany, in 2020. Thursday, in the town of Plescop in the suburbs of Vannes (Morbihan), the owner of a stallion notes that her animal was lying in an unusual way in his field. She points to a deep, long gash in the ear. A veterinarian is alerted to provide care. The cut is stitched up.

But the horse’s state of health seems to be deteriorating. The veterinarian returns this Saturday and realizes that the equine suffered from several internal injuries, including a broken rib and a punctured lung. No choice, he must be euthanized to end his suffering.

The malicious act is hardly in doubt, reports The Telegram. A camera positioned on a shed near the meadow has indeed made it possible to observe the arrival of two people during the night from Wednesday to Thursday. The police opened an investigation. The suspects have not yet been identified.

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